Sunday, 30 06 2024
Sunday, 30 06 2024
The Prime Minister sent a congratulatory message to the newly elected Secretary General of the Council of Europe
The MPs met with the Chairman of the Bundestag Foreign Relations Committee
625,000 children in Gaza are deprived of education
Saribek Sukiasyan, Chairman of the Board of Armeconombank, shares his life experience
The Foreign Minister will represent Georgia at the NATO conference
UN Secretary General will visit Baku
The US provided the SRC with X-ray and examination equipment worth $13 million
Doku is trying to prevent Barcelona’s talented students from leaving the team with a new system
“If we move forward, the road ahead may become like an empty highway.” Materazzi: about the Italy-Switzerland match
“It is unbelievable that I am compared to him.” Lamine Yamal
PACE highly appreciated the process of reforms in the Police sector in Armenia
Earthquake in Azerbaijan
Armenia became the vice-champion of the European under-18 team championship
Aliyev met O’Brien
Mirzoyan stressed the importance of concluding a peace agreement
“Countries applying for peace should not speak to each other in the language of threats.” Ambassador of Iran
In the Euro, Kroos is the best in the number of accurate passes
The first Biden-Trump debate took place
Since the war, the US has provided $6.5 billion in military aid to Israel
Weather without precipitation is expected
“The future of Armenia is in Europe”. Chairman of the EU Affairs Committee of the Bundestag
Armenia and France will expand cooperation
The RA Military Prosecutor’s Office hosted the Military Prosecutor General of Italy
“I thought qualifying was our best, but football doesn’t have a scenario.” Sagnol
Ukraine received EUR 1.9 billion in aid from the EU
PACE welcomed the initiative of the Minister of Justice to apply to the Venice Commission
The prime minister’s adviser hopes that Azerbaijan will respond to the peace agreement
Bayramov will visit Tbilisi today for negotiations
Israel can return Lebanon to the “stone age”
“We are ready to complete and sign the peace agreement with Azerbaijan in one month.” Mirzoyan

“An attempt is being made to diversify the sectoral composition of Armenia-USA cooperation.” Khalatyan

Radar Armenia‘s interlocutor is political scientist Artashes Khalatyan.

How do you assess the current stage of Armenian-American relations, considering the visit of US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Verma to Armenia?

– There is a slow but steady deepening in Armenia-US relations. There are quite a lot of constraining circumstances on both sides: in the case of Armenia, it is the enormous economic dependence on Russia, remaining in Russia-centric integration associations, the presence of a Russian armed contingent in Armenia, in the case of the USA, the allied relations with Turkey, the strained relations with Armenia’s friend Iran, of course, the unprecedented confrontation with Russia. , the importance of Azerbaijan’s energy reserves for European energy security and, due to this, certain constraining circumstances.

Despite all this, the parties realize that they are in the same boat regarding values; so to speak, they are valuable allies, and, accordingly, there are prerequisites for bringing the relationship to a strategic and institutional level in the long term. The noticeable increase in mutual visits speaks of the development trends of relations. Moreover, an attempt is being made to diversify the sectoral composition of cooperation. From defense to the economy, democratic reforms to local self-government, and decentralized cooperation.

– Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin stated that CSTO work is proceeding systematically, leaving Yerevan behind. He added that no matter what Western countries promise, there are no effective alternatives to CSTO as a mechanism for ensuring Armenia’s security. How do you interpret his statement?

– The statements coming from Russia and getting tougher are surprising. It seems that Russia is provoking Armenia, which is still constrained, to sever the security ties that are still maintained thoroughly, and if we add to that, the idea spread in the Russian expert field that Armenia’s economic relations with Russia cannot exist without defense and security ties, it turns out that Russia deliberately pushes Armenia away, pushing the latter to take asymmetric steps.

– Where are the Armenian-Russian relations going?

– It is evident that, at least at the public level, Russia has no tendency or perception to review its policy towards Armenia. Instead, mercantile economic interest continue to dominate Russian politics, making Russia increasingly dependent on China and the Turkish-Azerbaijani tandem. Although Armenia objectively has a limited field of maneuver in many issues, it must consistently diversify its foreign policy and draw the necessary conclusions from Russia’s behavior.

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