Saturday, 29 06 2024
Saturday, 29 06 2024
The Prime Minister sent a congratulatory message to the newly elected Secretary General of the Council of Europe
The MPs met with the Chairman of the Bundestag Foreign Relations Committee
625,000 children in Gaza are deprived of education
Saribek Sukiasyan, Chairman of the Board of Armeconombank, shares his life experience
The Foreign Minister will represent Georgia at the NATO conference
UN Secretary General will visit Baku
The US provided the SRC with X-ray and examination equipment worth $13 million
Doku is trying to prevent Barcelona’s talented students from leaving the team with a new system
“If we move forward, the road ahead may become like an empty highway.” Materazzi: about the Italy-Switzerland match
“It is unbelievable that I am compared to him.” Lamine Yamal
PACE highly appreciated the process of reforms in the Police sector in Armenia
Earthquake in Azerbaijan
Armenia became the vice-champion of the European under-18 team championship
Aliyev met O’Brien
Mirzoyan stressed the importance of concluding a peace agreement
“Countries applying for peace should not speak to each other in the language of threats.” Ambassador of Iran
In the Euro, Kroos is the best in the number of accurate passes
The first Biden-Trump debate took place
Since the war, the US has provided $6.5 billion in military aid to Israel
Weather without precipitation is expected
“The future of Armenia is in Europe”. Chairman of the EU Affairs Committee of the Bundestag
Armenia and France will expand cooperation
The RA Military Prosecutor’s Office hosted the Military Prosecutor General of Italy
“I thought qualifying was our best, but football doesn’t have a scenario.” Sagnol
Ukraine received EUR 1.9 billion in aid from the EU
PACE welcomed the initiative of the Minister of Justice to apply to the Venice Commission
The prime minister’s adviser hopes that Azerbaijan will respond to the peace agreement
Bayramov will visit Tbilisi today for negotiations
Israel can return Lebanon to the “stone age”
“We are ready to complete and sign the peace agreement with Azerbaijan in one month.” Mirzoyan

Serj Tankian for Teghut Preservation

The founder of alternative metal-rock group “System of A Down” and social organization “Axis of Justice”, Serj Tankian has made an address for the preservation of Teghut. We present it below:

“The problem that I present is the forest of Teghut. During my visit to Armenia in 2011 I also visited the Region Lori. I saw the wonderful nature; I saw the towering forest that was still standing. In less than two years a lot has changed. It turns out that Teghut is one of the last and best preserved forests in Armenia and now it faces the danger of complete elimination. The reason is the creation of the pedmental mining site – the derivation of tailings dump with extremely poisonous waste and 600 million tones of additional waste of other types.

The empact: The Teghut forest is an exceptional ecosystem with trees having dense leafage, with rivers and rare plants and animals and despite that it is at stake of ever elimination. Today this magnificent national wonder is endangered to become an ecologically dead district which will affect for centuries and millenniums.

Justification: The company exploiting the mine and those who are for its opening reason that due to it the country will mark an economic growth and the local workers’ life will become prosperous.

Reality: Nowadays out of 500 mines of Armenia, the number of which is still growing, the country does not get significant income and mining industry has not had considerable and long-lasting positive effect on the mineworkers’ living standards. What concerns Teghut forest, the workers of possible mine must be from local 360 inhabitants. They endanger not only the health and life of their own, but also of their children and grandchildren and of coming generations. And this is only for 150 dollars per month. According to the project of mine exploitation, the process of exploitation will last from 25 to 30 years. But the beauty of Teghut forest will be lost forever.

The Alternative: To prevent the exploitation of the mine on open surface, to be more exact to stop it, it is extremely important to find alternative sources of income for this region. The district has very favorable conditions for agriculture. It is obvious that this is more purposeful for the region and for the country both in economic and ecological sense. The factories that are really concerned in the long-lasting development of Armenia must investigate the opportunities of developing Teghut in direction of its agriculture, but not in direction of finding precious metals and must invest capital for creating collective communities and small business. Finally there is nothing more important than environment and the health and prosperity of coming generations.

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